Tech Tip: Version 7.3 Install Notes


Today we have a list of subjects:

Version 7.3 released!

We have released the DAT/EM Photogrammetric Suite version 7.3. All customers with active support should have received their installation keycodes. We hope you’re enjoying the new features and tools. Read all about the updates here.

ArcGIS Failing to Register the DAT/EM Capture Application

Several customers have experienced difficulty with ArcGIS not registering the DAT/EM Capture application during a v.7.2 or 7.3 software installation. Symptoms include Summit not moving the cursor and the DAT/EM toolbars being missing in ArcMap. We have discovered a manual registration method for you to try. Please see How to Register the Capture for ArcGIS DLL.

32-bit Computers

If you plan to install v.7.3 on a 32-bit computer, stop and contact DAT/EM Support now. We have a special software build for you that will do a better job installing on 32 bit.

Do you still use a 32-bit computer and wonder if you should upgrade your hardware? The answer is yes. This old hardware is reducing your productivity by a few seconds here, a few seconds there, a few seconds again, and again, all day long. You may often be waiting for your computer to accomplish a task that would have seemed nearly instantaneous on a modern 64-bit computer. Your 32-bit system may crash often and be unable to load large Summit projects or large control files, which are common in our industry now. Video cards have also improved drastically since your 32-bit computer was new. The cost of a new 64-bit computer and video card may be quickly offset by a tremendous increase in productivity. See for DAT/EM’s current hardware recommendations.

What about Windows 10?

Windows 10 is working well with DAT/EM applications and stereo viewing on modern video cards. DAT/EM has received no complaints in several months about Windows 10.