Straightforward tool to create orthophotos and orthophoto mosaics from Summit Evolution™ projects. Ortho+Mosaic is included with Summit Evolution Professional.
- Creates orthophotos and orthomosaics from Summit Evolution projects.
- Improves orthophoto results with a wide variety of point file and vector file input formats. Multiple input formats may be used at the same time.
- Offers orthophoto image adjustments such as histograms, brightness and channel mappings.
- For mosaics, offers hot spot removal, exclusion areas, image balancing, histogram matching and other image corrections.
- Provides advanced automatic mosaic seam line generation, manual editing and seam line import/export tools.
- Generates automatic and vector-based output tiles.
- Saves to optional “big” BigTiff and Jpeg2000 image output formats.
- User-controlled tiling options.